The sentinel use of this open field apparatus is for ants on a colony level for increasing levels of complexity within an open field for foraging of food. This apparatus is for the open field only. For complexity pathways, please contact us to implement, as we will need to customize this for your experimental needs.

Price & Dimensions

Ant Colony Maze

$ 790

One maze
  • Open arena
  • Length: 25cm
  • Width: 20cm
  • For maze complexity as in the sentinel Saar et al, paper, please contact us as this requires customization of complexity pathways.

Saar M, Gilad T, Kilon-Kallner T, Rosenfeld A, Subach A, Scharf I (2017) The
interplay between maze complexity, colony size, learning and memory in ants while solving a maze: A test at the colony level. PLoS ONE 12(8)