
Revolutionize Your Research with Dynamic

8 Arm Radial Maze


The 8-arm radial maze is an excellent tool for experiment management, with its intuitive design guiding you through your experimental plan and setup.


Unlocking Insights

Navigating the Maze of Experimental Design

Managing your experimental design is crucial for successful automation of the Radial arm maze. Define each stage, number of trials, and completion criteria effortlessly. This ensures you track each animal’s progression accurately through stages. Explore videos, equipment recommendations, and insightful results.

Test Duration

Measure the duration of the Radial Arm Maze test to understand the time taken for completion, providing insights into task complexity and animal behavior patterns.

Time in Each Arm

Track the time spent by subjects in individual arms of the maze, revealing preferences, exploration patterns, and potential spatial learning strategies.

Number of Entries into Each Arm

Count the entries made by subjects into each arm, offering insights into exploration behavior, arm preference, and spatial memory utilization.

Sequential List of Arm Entries

Record the sequence of arm entries made by subjects, allowing analysis of route planning, decision-making processes, and learning strategies employed during the task.

Spontaneous Alternations

Assess the frequency of spontaneous alternations between arms, indicating spatial working memory capacity and the ability to navigate the maze efficiently.

Working Memory Errors (Using a Calculation)

Calculate working memory errors to evaluate the subject's ability to remember previously visited arms and avoid revisits, providing a measure of working memory performance.

Reference Memory Errors (Using a Calculation)

Compute reference memory errors to assess the subject's ability to remember the locations of rewarded arms across trials, indicating long-term memory retention and learning progress.

Total Distance Traveled

Quantify the total distance traveled by subjects within the maze, reflecting locomotor activity levels, exploration strategies, and potential fatigue effects during the task.

Accurate Arm
Entry Scoring

Ensure precise tracking with our advanced methodology, allowing you to define arm entries based on specific criteria. For instance, designate an entry when 80% of the animal’s body is within the arm, aligning closely with traditional scoring methods. Experience seamless implementation with our intuitive system.

Efficient Stage
and Trial Management

Organize your Radial Arm Maze experiments into stages with multiple trials effortlessly. Our platform simplifies experimental design, managing stages and trials automatically, ensuring seamless execution without the need for complex tracking or allocation. Stay focused on your research goals with our intuitive system.

Efficient Test
Completion Detection

In the Radial Arm Maze, a key objective is to ensure the animal visits each arm once to signal test completion. Our procedures excel in achieving this: for example, terminating the test once all arms of an 8-arm maze are visited, regardless of the visitation order. Experience seamless test management with our precise detection capabilities.

Effortless Result

Focus on essential metrics like Working Memory Errors and Reference Memory Errors in the Radial Arm Maze, not tied to specific arms. Utilize calculation feature to derive these results from existing data, streamlining analysis and gaining deeper insights effortlessly.

Animal Tracks

Visualize the animal’s trajectory easily with track plotting feature, confirming visited arms and comparing behaviors across subjects. Gain deeper insights into experimental outcomes with this intuitive visual tool.


Your institution deserves software that is customized to fit your unique needs. To ensure that our software is tailored specifically to your institution, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality service possible.Ā  Ā 

Tools for Advanced Behavioral Studies

ConductVision provides cutting-edge applications, mazes, and equipment for precise behavioral research. Our software automates tests, while our range of tools ensures researchers have what they need for seamless experimentation.Ā 

