
Comparing Traditional vs. Real-Time Approaches

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Behavioral grading in neuroscience and animal behavior studies refers to the systematic observation and scoring of behaviors to quantify an animal’s performance, symptoms, or responses under different conditions. It is a foundational practice in fields like neuropharmacology, behavioral neuroscience, and psychology, as it allows researchers to translate complex behaviors into measurable data. By grading behaviors—such as movement patterns, task performance, or signs of neurological deficits—scientists can assess the effects of drugs, genetic modifications, aging, or brain injuries in a rigorous manner. This quantification is crucial because robust behavioral metrics provide insight into brain function and dysfunction, making behavior a key readout in neuroscience experiments​

In essence, accurate behavioral grading enables objective comparisons across experimental groups and links observable actions to underlying neural mechanisms, highlighting its importance in the discovery of how the nervous system governs behavior.

Traditional vs. Real-Time Behavioral Grading

Criteria Traditional Behavioral Grading Conduct Vision Real-Time Approach
Data Collection & Analysis Timing
Post-experiment, often hours to days to review video footage and manually score
Instantaneous, automated tracking and real-time data output
Flexibility During Experiments
Parameters (drug doses, stimulus intervals) are fixed and cannot be changed mid-session
Parameters can be modified on-the-fly (e.g., adjusting dose or stimulus intervals) based on immediate feedback
Scoring Accuracy & Bias
Subject to observer bias, fatigue, and inter-rater variability
Automated algorithms ensure high accuracy, objectivity, and reproducibility
Speed & Efficiency
Slow; requires separate scoring phases that delay insights and experimental decisions
Fast; immediate metrics allow researchers to iterate and refine experiments in a single session
Depth of Behavioral Metrics
Limited by manual observation and subjective scoring
Rich, continuous data capture (e.g., movement paths, posture analysis) at high temporal and spatial resolution
Experiment Adaptation
Minimal; typically requires scheduling new sessions for protocol changes
Dynamic; closed-loop setups possible, adjusting conditions in real time for more informative single-session experiments
Data Management
Manual transcription or video logs; data compilation can be time-consuming
Automated logging with live visualization; data export in standard formats for immediate or later analysis
Resource Utilization
Higher animal usage; multiple sessions often needed to find effective parameters
Lower animal usage; more data per session; real-time parameter tuning reduces the need for repeated experiments
High variability across observers and labs
Consistent, automated scoring criteria support standardized and reproducible results across labs
Application Areas
General behavioral tasks requiring manual observation
High-throughput pharmacological screens, disease modeling, learning and memory tasks, closed-loop stimulation studies

Traditional Behavioral Grading

Traditional behavioral grading methods rely on human observation and post-experiment analysis to evaluate animal behaviors. Researchers often record experiment sessions on video and later manually score the behaviors of interest using predefined scales or ethograms. For example, an experimenter might watch footage and tally how many times a rodent rears in an open field or assign scores for gait quality or seizure severity using a standard scale. While this approach has been the mainstay for decades, it has several well-known limitations:

  • Delayed Results: Analysis typically occurs after the experiment, meaning researchers must wait hours or even days to manually review footage and compile results. This delay slows scientific progress, as investigators cannot immediately act on findings​
    It’s not uncommon for a day’s worth of experiments to require another day (or more) of analysis, creating a lag between data collection and insight.


  • Inflexibility: Because outcomes aren’t known until later, experiment parameters are fixed during the session. If an animal isn’t responding to a stimulus or a dose is too low, the scientist won’t realize it until after, eliminating any chance to adjust on the fly. Thus, potentially fruitful changes—like increasing a stimulus duration or dose—must wait for a new session on a different day, costing time and resources​


  • Manual Scoring Biases: Human observation is inherently subjective. Fatigue, distraction, or prior expectations can bias how behaviors are recorded. Studies have noted that manual scoring is time-consuming and susceptible to observer bias and fatigue​

    Different observers might score the same behavior differently (poor inter-rater reliability), and even the same person might be inconsistent over time. This human factor can introduce variability and error into the data.


  • Labor Intensive: Scoring behaviors by hand is laborious. A researcher might have to pause and replay video segments to catch events, especially if multiple animals or complex behaviors are involved. This intensive effort limits throughput, as one cannot efficiently process large experiments or many subjects quickly​
    In practice, the necessity of manual analysis has often forced labs to use simpler behavioral measures (e.g. counting lever presses) instead of richer behavioral phenotyping, simply because detailed manual analysis would be too slow or impractical​


Given these constraints, traditional behavioral grading methods can bottleneck research. Valuable experimental time is spent on scoring rather than on designing new experiments or interpreting results. Moreover, subtle behavioral changes might be overlooked by even diligent observers, and the inability to adapt during the experiment can result in suboptimal data (for instance, an entire session might produce little insight if the chosen stimulus wasn’t appropriate). These limitations set the stage for more advanced solutions that can overcome delays and human biases.

Conduct Vision’s Real-Time Approach

Conduct Vision is a modern behavioral analysis platform that addresses the shortcomings of traditional methods by providing real-time, automated behavior grading. It leverages advanced computer vision and AI algorithms to track and analyze animal behavior as the experiment is happening. Instead of waiting until after a session to evaluate data, Conduct Vision processes video feeds on-the-fly, delivering immediate metrics and insights​

. This real-time capability fundamentally changes how experiments can be run and adjusted.

Key features of Conduct Vision’s approach include:

  • Instant Feedback: Researchers get live readouts of behavioral measures (e.g. activity levels, position, or specific actions), allowing them to see how an animal is responding to an experimental condition in real time​
    The software can display tracked paths, quantified behavior counts, or performance scores immediately, rather than having to extract these manually later.


  • Automated Tracking: The system uses markerless video tracking at high frame rates (30+ frames per second) to continuously monitor subjects​
    It can accurately detect the animal’s location, posture, and specific behaviors with over 95% accuracy​, all without the need for attaching sensors or markers to the animal. This high precision tracking ensures that even brief or subtle behaviors are captured reliably.


  • Mid-Session Adjustments: Because data is analyzed as it’s collected, experimenters can make on-the-spot adjustments to the ongoing experiment. Conduct Vision’s interface supports changing stimulus parameters, rewards, or other conditions during the trial based on the live behavioral feedback​
    For instance, if an animal quickly reaches a task criterion, the researcher can introduce a new challenge in the same session, or if a behavior isn’t observed, they can alter the stimulus immediately.


  • Parameter Fine-Tuning: The platform is designed to easily tweak experimental parameters such as drug doses, interval timing, or task difficulty within a running experiment. This dynamic control (often called closed-loop experimentation) is built-in, enabling a level of flexibility not possible with traditional setups​


  • Data Visualization and Export: Conduct Vision provides on-the-fly visualization of results (graphs, heatmaps, etc.) and stores data for later analysis. Researchers can watch metrics change in real time and also export the complete dataset (e.g. as CSV files) immediately after the session​
    This combination of instant insight and thorough data recording means no information is lost, and analysis can continue post-hoc if needed, but the key points are known right away.


  • In-House Processing: All analysis is done locally on the researcher’s computer (no cloud required), which means there’s no latency from network uploads and no concerns about data privacy or internet reliability​
    The result is a seamless, immediate analysis pipeline integrated directly with the experimental setup.


By providing these features, Conduct Vision’s real-time approach transforms behavioral grading from a slow, retrospective task into a proactive part of the experiment. Researchers move from passively recording data to actively interacting with their experiment as it unfolds. The system’s design addresses the exact pain points of traditional methods: eliminating delays, reducing human error via automation, and allowing flexible control over the experiment. In the following sections, we compare traditional and real-time methods in depth across several critical dimensions.

Comparing Traditional vs. Real-Time Approaches

Speed and Efficiency

One of the most striking differences between traditional grading and Conduct Vision’s real-time analysis is the speed of obtaining results. With conventional methods, researchers experience a significant time lag between running an experiment and understanding its outcomes. They might spend hours after each session scoring videos or compiling observations, meaning any insights are delayed until that analysis is finished. Indeed, manual behavioral scoring is often described as “extraordinarily time and labor intensive,” hindering high-throughput studies where dozens of sessions need to be analyzed​


This delay not only slows the pace of research but can also stall decision-making; for example, if an experimental drug failed to produce any effect, the team might only realize this days later when the scoring is done.

In contrast, Conduct Vision provides immediate insights. As soon as an animal exhibits a behavior, the system has already logged and quantified it. There is effectively zero downtime between data collection and data analysis. Researchers can literally watch a graph or metric update in real time as an experiment progresses. By the end of a session, key results (such as total distance traveled, number of entries into a zone, success rate in a task, etc.) are already available, without any additional manual processing. The difference is akin to the shift from developing photographs in a darkroom (traditional) to seeing a digital photo instantly (real-time). Conduct Vision’s on-the-fly analysis means no waiting for tomorrow or next week – experimental outcomes are known immediately, enabling faster iteration on hypotheses​


This increase in speed translates to greater efficiency in the lab. Scientists can run more experiments in a given time because they spend little to no time on the back-end analysis that used to consume their schedule. For example, instead of running experiments all day and scoring all night, a researcher using real-time analysis might run an experiment, see the result, and by the next hour adjust the experimental design for the following trial on the same day. The cycle of observe → analyze → adjust becomes dramatically shorter. Such efficiency also reduces wasted effort – if an approach isn’t yielding results, it’s caught early and the protocol can be changed without losing days on a failed setup​

In sum, real-time grading accelerates the research timeline, allowing neuroscientists to progress from data to discovery with unprecedented speed.


Experimental Flexibility

Another key advantage of Conduct Vision’s real-time approach is the flexibility it offers in experimental design and execution. Traditional behavioral experiments are typically rigid: all parameters (e.g., drug dose, stimulus intensity, trial length) are set beforehand and remain fixed throughout the session. The researcher observes passively and notes the outcomes, only altering the course in the next session (if at all). This rigidity exists because without real-time feedback, one cannot confidently change a condition mid-experiment without potentially confounding the results or not knowing whether the change had any effect until later.

With real-time behavioral grading, the experiment becomes interactive and adaptive. Conduct Vision allows scientists to make informed adjustments during an ongoing trial, which opens up new experimental possibilities. Some examples of mid-session adjustments enabled by real-time analysis include:

  • Adaptive Dosing: If an administered drug dose is not eliciting any behavioral change, the researcher can increase to a higher dose on the next trial within the same session, and immediately observe the effect​Conversely, if side effects or strong responses are seen, the dose can be dialed down or the trial stopped for ethical reasons. This on-the-fly dose modulation optimizes drug testing efficiency by finding effective levels in one session instead of across multiple separate experiments.


  • Stimulus Interval and Intensity: In tasks where stimuli (e.g., light flashes, sound tones, or optogenetic pulses) are given, their timing and intensity can be adjusted in real time. For instance, if a stimulus interval is too short to allow the animal to respond, it can be lengthened mid-session, or vice versa​
    Parameters like pulse frequency in optogenetic stimulation can be tweaked as the animal’s behavior evolves, ensuring the conditions remain optimal to provoke the intended responses​


  • Task Complexity: Researchers can gradually ramp up the difficulty of a task within the same experimental session. If an animal is performing well (say quickly learning a maze), the software can signal the experimenter to introduce a new challenge, such as making the maze harder or adding a distractor, without stopping the session​. This approach is useful in cognitive and learning experiments where one might want to find the threshold of an animal’s capability in real time. On the other hand, if an animal is struggling, the task can be simplified on the fly to keep the animal engaged and still collect meaningful data.


  • Environmental Changes: Elements of the experimental environment can be altered dynamically. For example, new cues or objects might be added to see how they affect behavior, or lighting conditions could be changed to observe an anxiety-related response (light/dark preference) all in one session​. 
    Traditionally, each of these variations would require separate trials on different days; with real-time analysis, they can be part of a single continuous experiment, with immediate observations of how the subject reacts.


This level of experimental flexibility is virtually impossible with conventional post-hoc grading. Conduct Vision essentially enables closed-loop experiments, where the animal’s behavior drives immediate adjustments in the experimental parameters. As a result, scientists can explore a richer parameter space more efficiently. They are not limited to a static protocol, but rather can probe “what happens if I change this now” and see the outcome in real time. This is particularly powerful in complex behavioral paradigms – for instance, adjusting a reinforcement schedule dynamically in a conditioning experiment to see how learning curves change on the fly. Overall, the ability to modify doses, stimuli, timing, and complexity in real time makes experiments far more responsive and tailored to the subject’s behavior, leading to more informative sessions​

Data Accuracy

Accuracy and objectivity of behavioral data are critical for credible neuroscience research. Here too, the contrast between manual traditional methods and automated real-time analysis is stark. In the traditional approach, human observers doing behavioral grading can introduce errors and variability. Small behaviors might be missed if an observer blinks or looks away, and distinguishing between similar actions (e.g., a slight twitch vs. a full movement) can be inconsistent. Furthermore, manual scoring often involves categorical or coarse ratings (such as a subjective severity score from 0 to 3), which can lack precision and be influenced by the scorer’s expectations. Observer bias and fatigue can cause drifts in accuracy over time​


Even with training and careful protocols, two people might not grade a behavior exactly the same way, affecting reproducibility across studies and laboratories.

Conduct Vision’s real-time approach uses automated algorithms that apply the same criteria uniformly every time, enhancing data accuracy and consistency. The system’s machine learning models have high accuracy in detecting specific behaviors and positions – in fact, Conduct Vision reports over 95% accuracy in identifying rodent movements and behaviors​


This level of precision comes from analyzing video frame-by-frame at high speed, something a human cannot do without missing details. The software can quantify parameters (distance traveled, speed, angle turned, etc.) with exact numerical values, rather than relying on subjective scoring. Importantly, automation removes human bias and variability: the computer vision doesn’t get tired or form an opinion about what it expects to see. It will apply the defined behavior detection rules consistently whether it’s the first animal of the day or the twentieth. As noted in one study, automated behavioral measurement avoids problems of human bias and low reproducibility, providing more standardized and reliable data across experiments​



Additionally, real-time tracking can reveal subtle or brief events that might be overlooked in manual analysis. For example, a slight head movement or a short bout of rearing that lasts just a fraction of a second can be logged by the software, whereas a person reviewing video might miss it or choose not to record such a fine detail. The spatial and temporal resolution of data is also improved – with high frame rate video and precise coordinate tracking, researchers get a continuous stream of data points rather than only noting events of interest. This rich dataset can later be mined for deeper insights (e.g. micro-movements or early indicators of a behavioral change). Automated systems also facilitate cross-lab consistency: if multiple labs use the same Conduct Vision settings, their behavioral metrics are directly comparable, which addresses the reproducibility challenge in science​


In summary, by minimizing human error and maximizing objective measurement, real-time automated grading produces data that is both more accurate and more reliable than traditional manual scoring.


Research Outcomes

The improvements in speed, flexibility, and accuracy with real-time behavioral grading ultimately influence the quality and efficiency of research outcomes. For a neuroscientist, the end goal is not just to collect data faster, but to make discoveries and test hypotheses more effectively. Conduct Vision’s approach can accelerate the trajectory of research programs and lead to findings that might be missed or delayed with traditional methods.

Speeding Discoveries: Immediate feedback shortens the experimental feedback loop dramatically. This means that researchers can iterate hypotheses on a much faster timescale. For instance, if an initial result during a session suggests a certain trend, the scientist can test a follow-up condition in the same session rather than waiting days or weeks to schedule a new experiment. Such rapid iteration can quickly zero in on cause-and-effect relationships. As the Conduct Vision tagline states, adapting paradigms instantly “accelerate[s] your path to groundbreaking discoveries.”

By reducing downtime, more experiments (or more nuanced variations) can be done in a given period, increasing the chances of novel findings. This acceleration is especially valuable in fast-moving fields or when competing to validate a new drug or treatment—real-time analysis can give a lab a competitive edge in generating results first.

Optimizing Drug Testing: In pharmacological studies, finding the right dose or confirming a drug’s effect on behavior is often a trial-and-error process. Traditional methods require separate groups of animals for each dose and lengthy analyses to compare outcomes. With real-time grading, a single animal’s session can serve as its own dose-response experiment: researchers can administer a low dose, observe no significant behavioral change, then incrementally increase the dose in subsequent trials immediately until a behavioral effect is observed. For example, using Conduct Vision one could administer a novel anxiolytic and instantly observe reductions in anxiety-related behaviors like thigmotaxis (wall-hugging in an open field). If the effect is minor, the dose can be raised mid-session to see if a greater reduction in anxiety behavior occurs​

This approach not only saves time and animals, but also yields a more refined understanding of dosage effects in one continuous dataset. The outcome is a highly efficient drug testing regimen where real-time behavioral readouts guide dosing decisions on the spot, leading to quicker identification of effective treatments or toxic dose thresholds.

Advancing Aging and Disease Models: In studies of aging or neurodegenerative disease models (e.g., Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s models in rodents), behaviors can be subtle and progressive. Real-time analysis allows scientists to fine-tune testing protocols to probe specific deficits in these models more deeply. For instance, suppose a mouse model of Alzheimer’s is being tested in a memory task; with real-time feedback, the experimenter can adjust the task complexity or switch strategies as soon as it’s clear what the mouse can or cannot do. Conduct Vision enables tweaking of task difficulty or reinforcement schedules on the fly, which can reveal the point at which the subject starts to fail – an important indicator of cognitive flexibility or impairment​

By contrast, a fixed protocol might entirely miss the window of difficulty that truly challenges the diseased model. Real-time systems thus help pinpoint behavioral deficits more effectively, providing richer phenotypic data on aging or disease-related changes. This can speed up the evaluation of potential therapies as well, since improvements or declines in performance are immediately apparent and can be responded to with adjustments in the same experimental session.

Richer Behavioral Studies: Even outside of drug or disease testing, any behavioral research can benefit from the higher throughput and adaptivity of real-time analysis. Complex behaviors (social interactions, for example) often have multiple facets and are influenced by many variables. With a tool like Conduct Vision, researchers can explore these complexities by introducing variability and seeing the outcomes live. The result is often more rigorous and comprehensive experiments. In fact, researchers developing real-time feedback frameworks have noted that these methods “allow more high-throughput and rigorous behavioral experiments” than before​


Scientists can gather more data in a single experiment (because of continuous measurement and the ability to test multiple conditions), leading to stronger statistical power and more convincing results. Additionally, if something unexpected occurs during an experiment, it can be investigated immediately. For example, if an animal shows an odd new behavior, the experimenter can tag that event or adjust conditions to explore it further right then and there, rather than just writing it down and hoping to study it in a future experiment.

In sum, the real-time approach contributes to better research outcomes by accelerating discovery, improving experimental precision, and enabling adaptive protocols that extract maximum information from each subject. Breakthroughs in understanding are more likely when experiments can be conducted faster and adjusted intelligently on the go. Whether it’s drug development, behavioral neuroscience, or neuropsychiatric research, the ability to get instant behavioral data and act on it can dramatically enhance the effectiveness of studies and lead to insights that traditional methods might miss or take much longer to find.

Why It Matters for Neuroscientists

Adopting real-time behavioral grading is not just a matter of convenience—it can fundamentally elevate the quality and impact of neuroscience research. There are several scientific and practical benefits for neuroscientists who shift from traditional methods to real-time analysis:

  • Resource and Time Efficiency: Time is a critical resource in research. By eliminating the need for lengthy post-hoc analysis, real-time systems free up researchers to focus on experimental design, data interpretation, and writing. Laboratories can accomplish more with the same manpower and within the same timeframe. This efficiency also has financial implications: if studies reach conclusions faster, projects may require fewer funded hours and fewer animals (since each animal yields more data), optimizing the use of grant money and lab resources​

    In academia and industry alike, the faster turn-around can accelerate the overall research pipeline (for example, getting a promising drug from preclinical tests to clinical consideration sooner).


  • Improved Data Reliability and Reproducibility: Neuroscience as a field has been grappling with reproducibility issues, partly due to variability in how experiments are conducted and measured. By using automated real-time grading, neuroscientists introduce a standardized, objective measurement tool into their experiments. This reduces person-to-person and lab-to-lab variability. As noted earlier, automation minimizes human bias and subjectivity, allowing for standardized measurements across laboratories​

    When multiple groups use the same automated scoring criteria, their data become more directly comparable, strengthening confidence in results that replicate across studies. Moreover, the high accuracy of systems like Conduct Vision means data sets have less noise and error, increasing the statistical power to detect true effects.


  • Dynamic Experimentation Leads to Deeper Insights: The flexibility to adjust experiments on the fly is scientifically valuable. Neuroscientists often deal with complex systems where the “correct” experimental parameters are not obvious upfront. Real-time feedback allows them to discover optimal parameters through exploration within a single session. This adaptability can lead to serendipitous discoveries — for instance, uncovering an unexpected behavior when a stimulus is changed spontaneously. It encourages a more exploratory approach to research, where experiments can branch in response to the subject’s behavior, potentially revealing cause-effect relationships that would remain hidden under a fixed protocol. This is particularly important in neuroscience, where individual variability is high and a one-size-fits-all experiment design may not capture the nuances of every subject’s behavior.


  • Enhanced Integration with Neurobiology: Many neuroscience experiments involve correlating behavior with neural activity (such as electrophysiological recordings, calcium imaging, or brain stimulation). Real-time behavioral analysis can be synchronized with neural data streams, enabling true closed-loop neuroscience. For example, a brain recording system could trigger a stimulus when the animal’s behavior (detected by Conduct Vision) meets a certain condition, all in real time. This integration allows researchers to probe brain-behavior causality more directly (e.g., stimulating the brain at the precise moment an animal makes a decision, and seeing the immediate effect on behavior). Such sophisticated experiments are much easier when behavior is quantified in real time. This means neuroscientists can design experiments that interact with the brain and behavior simultaneously, opening avenues for experiments in attention, feedback learning, brain-computer interfaces, and more.


  • Ethical and Animal Welfare Benefits: From an ethical standpoint, getting more information from each animal and being able to adjust in real time can reduce the number of animals needed and avoid unnecessary stress. If a particular test condition is causing distress with no scientific gain (for example, a dose causing severe side effects with no useful behavioral data), the experimenter can immediately alter or terminate that condition, sparing the animal further discomfort. Real-time analysis frameworks have been noted to enable high-throughput experiments that are “less invasive for laboratory animals”
    because researchers can make real-time decisions that avoid pushing animals beyond what’s necessary to gather data. Furthermore, the precision of automated systems means no behavior goes unrecorded, so researchers are less likely to need to repeat experiments due to missing data.


  • Staying at the Cutting Edge: Finally, as the field of behavioral neuroscience evolves, there is an increasing expectation for robust, high-resolution behavioral data to accompany neural findings. Tools like Conduct Vision represent the state-of-the-art in behavioral analysis. Neuroscientists who adopt such technology position themselves at the cutting edge of research methodology. This can enhance the impact of their studies, as journals and reviewers appreciate the use of advanced, quantitative methods. It also aligns with the broader industry trend of digitization and automation in research, where labs are becoming smarter and more data-driven. Embracing real-time behavioral grading ensures that one’s research is keeping pace with modern standards and capabilities.


In summary, shifting to real-time behavioral analysis offers neuroscientists more than just convenience – it provides more reliable data, enables innovative experiments, conserves resources, and can improve animal welfare. It fundamentally improves the robustness and scope of behavioral studies, which ultimately leads to better science and faster progress in understanding the brain.


Behavioral grading is a cornerstone of neuroscience and animal behavior research, converting observations into quantitative insights about brain function and treatment effects. Traditional methods of behavioral grading laid the groundwork for countless discoveries but come with clear limitations: they are slow, inflexible, and subject to human error. Conduct Vision’s real-time approach represents a significant evolution of this practice, directly addressing those limitations by delivering instantaneous analysis, adaptive experimentation, and objective data collection.

In this comparison, we’ve seen that speed, flexibility, and accuracy are not just incremental improvements, but transformative ones. Real-time behavioral analysis turns experiments into interactive sessions where data and decisions flow together, drastically shortening the path from hypothesis to result. It enables researchers to fine-tune experiments in ways that were previously impractical, ensuring that each study is as informative as possible. Moreover, by automating behavior quantification, it provides a level of precision and consistency that boosts confidence in the findings and facilitates reproducibility across labs.

For neuroscientists, these advances mean that experiments can be done more efficiently, with richer outcomes and fewer uncertainties. Discoveries that might have taken months of trial-and-error can emerge in a fraction of the time. Whether it’s rapidly identifying a promising therapeutic in a drug screen, uncovering subtle behavioral phenotypes in an aging study, or simply reducing the tedious workload of manual scoring, the impact of real-time behavioral grading is profound. It aligns with the modern scientific ethos of leveraging technology to gather better data and make smarter decisions during research.

In conclusion, the shift from traditional behavioral grading to Conduct Vision’s real-time approach marks a paradigm change in behavioral neuroscience. It combines the rigor of quantitative analysis with the agility of real-time experimentation, a combination that accelerates discovery and enhances the quality of research. Neuroscience, being at the nexus of complex behavior and biology, stands to gain immensely from such tools. By adopting real-time behavioral analysis, researchers can unlock new possibilities in experimental design, achieve results with greater clarity and speed, and ultimately push the frontiers of our understanding of the brain and behavior further than ever before. The future of behavioral studies is being shaped by these innovations—offering a future where insights are not delayed, experiments are not constrained by rigid protocols, and data is both abundant and trustworthy. Such an approach propels neuroscience research into a new era of efficiency and discovery​.


Benefiting scientists, their subjects, and the advancement of knowledge alike.


Shuhan He, MD

Shuhan He, MD is a dual-board certified physician with expertise in Emergency Medicine and Clinical Informatics. Dr. He works at the Laboratory of Computer Science, clinically in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He serves as the Program Director of Healthcare Data Analytics at MGHIHP. Dr. He has interests at the intersection of acute care and computer science, utilizing algorithmic approaches to systems with a focus on large actionable data and Bayesian interpretation. Committed to making a positive impact in the field of healthcare through the use of cutting-edge technology and data analytics.