
A Key Measure of Anxiety-Like Behavior

Elevated Plus Maze

The elevated plus maze is a valuable tool for studying anxiety-related behaviors, as well as for testing the effects of pharmacological treatments or genetic manipulations on anxiety in animal models.

Key Results Metrics

Elevated Insights


Key Results Metrics

Analyzing Anxiety-like Behavior and Experimental Interventions

These metrics offer valuable quantitative data for understanding anxiety-like behavior and investigating the impact of experimental interventions. With extensive capabilities in results analysis, researchers can delve deeply into their data, extracting meaningful insights to drive forward their research objectives.

Time in the Open Arms:

Duration spent by the animal exploring the open arms of the maze.

Time in the Closed Arms:

Duration spent by the animal exploring the closed arms of the maze.

Time in the Center Arms:

Duration spent by the animal in the center zone of the maze.

Time in the Open Arms:

Duration spent by the animal exploring the open arms of the maze.

Number of Entries into the Closed Arms:

Frequency of entries made by the animal into the closed arms of the maze.

Number of Entries into the Open Arms:

Frequency of entries made by the animal into the open arms of the maze.

Total Distance Traveled:

Overall distance covered by the animal during the test session.

Automated Elevated
Plus-Maze Analysis

For streamlined elevated plus-maze experiments, precise detection of zone entries and exits is crucial.
Advanced whole-body tracking ensures accurate movement capture. Coupled with flexible results analysis, it offers an optimal solution for research.

Handling the Center Zone

Scoring entries into the center zone of the plus-maze can indeed spark debate among researchers. However, researchers can enjoy unparalleled flexibility in defining scoring methods to precisely suit their unique research needs. This flexibility empowers researchers to customize when the system recognizes the animal in the center zone, facilitating a more adaptable and nuanced analysis of experimental data.

Adaptable Results Analysis

Time spent in open or closed arms during the plus-maze test varies by research preferences. Enjoy unmatched flexibility in defining this measure. Customize the calculation method to align with your research goals, with results promptly adjusted. This dynamic approach ensures seamless adaptability to evolving research needs.

Maximizing Data Flexibility

Adjust zone definitions or parameters at any stage of your experiment. For instance, if you want to report time spent at the ends of open arms, not initially included, integrate it post hoc for comprehensive analysis. This flexibility ensures no valuable data is overlooked, maximizing insights and enriching research outcomes.

Visualizing Animal Behavior

Explore versatile track visualization options with a choice between a line or heat map display.

Heat maps provide valuable insights, illustrating time distribution across the apparatus for individual tests or groups, facilitating comprehensive analysis.

Precise Arm Entry Detection

With cutting-edge whole-body tracking, define precise criteria for scoring arm entries. For example, set parameters like identifying an open-arm entry when 80% of the animal occupies the arm. This aligns with the traditional four-paws-in-the-arm rule, ensuring accurate data collection for research.


Your institution deserves software that is customized to fit your unique needs. To ensure that our software is tailored specifically to your institution, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality service possible.Ā  Ā 

Tools for Advanced Behavioral Studies

ConductVision provides cutting-edge applications, mazes, and equipment for precise behavioral research. Our software automates tests, while our range of tools ensures researchers have what they need for seamless experimentation.Ā 

