• New research reveals that a higher intake of certain fruits and vegetables may reduce symptoms associated with menopause.
  • The research builds on previous studies that look at potential treatment alternatives to hormonal therapy.


About the Study

The new research about menopause symptoms and the potential for their alleviation is available through the journal Menopause. Also, this publication is the project of The North American Menopause Society. This nonprofit organization aims to discover facts about this condition and to contribute to our understanding of healthy aging. Furthermore, they base their research and work on a multidisciplinary approach that builds on the knowledge from various experts.


Menopause and a Higher Intake of Fruits and Vegetables

This research builds on previous considerations of the influence dietary practices have on women with menopause. Previous studies show that a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fruits and vegetables has numerous benefits for health. However, there are no extensive studies that look at the effect of such a diet on various diseases and other health conditions.

Because of this, the research team wants to delve deeper into the effects such a diet may have. The research team split the study group based on the intensity of their symptoms. Furthermore, they look at specific fruits and vegetables to determine if they have different effects on the organism.

The results of the study show that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables reduces the overall symptoms of menopause. However, certain groups show adverse effects. For instance, a diet rich in citrus fruits had adverse effects on the urogenital tract. Also, green leafy and dark yellow vegetables show a similar effect.

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  • More studies of this type are needed before we can fully understand how dietary practices influence menopause and the aging process.
