
Maze Bazics: Exploring the Morris Water Maze


Imagine you’re in a pool, but this isn’t just any pool—it’s a pool with a twist. Instead of leisurely swimming, you’re on a mission to find something hidden beneath the surface. Welcome to the Morris Water Maze (MWM), a unique tool used by scientists to explore how animals learn and remember spatial information. In this article, ConductScience will dive in and uncover the secrets of this intriguing maze.

The Genesis of the Morris Water Maze

Back in the early 1980s, Richard G. Morris was intrigued by how animals, particularly rodents, navigate their surroundings.[1] He saw their knack for finding their way around and wondered how their brains managed it. So, he devised a straightforward yet ingenious solution—a unique setup to delve into the intricacies of spatial learning and memory – Morris Water Maze Test.

The Morris Water Maze (MWM) is not a maze in the traditional sense of winding paths and dead ends.[2] Instead, it consists of a large, open circular pool filled halfway with water. The interior of the pool is designed to be as featureless as possible to minimize external cues. The term “maze” is used because the animal must search for a hidden platform, which is the goal of the task. This platform is submerged just below the water’s surface and remains in a fixed location throughout the experiment.

To ensure the platform is not easily visible to the animals, various methods are employed. The water is often made opaque by adding substances such as tempera paint or polypropylene pellets. Alternatively, the platform can be camouflaged by matching its color to the background of the pool, making it nearly invisible. In some cases, transparent platforms are used against a colored background, blending seamlessly with the water and making the platform indistinguishable to the swimming animal. These measures ensure that the animal relies on spatial memory rather than visual cues to locate the platform.

Understanding Spatial Learning and Memory

At the heart of the Morris Water Maze lies the quest to unravel the enigmatic processes of spatial learning and memory. Through a series of designed experiments, researchers have illuminated the neural circuits and mechanisms underlying these cognitive phenomena.[2] From hippocampal plasticity to neurotransmitter systems, the Morris Water Maze offers a window into the complexities of the brain.

Figure: Morris Water Maze Test before and after training

The Morris Water Maze provides several key insights into spatial learning and memory:

  • Role of the Hippocampus: The MWM has been instrumental in demonstrating the critical role of the hippocampus in spatial learning. Lesions or genetic modifications affecting the hippocampus often result in impaired performance in the maze.


  • Neural Plasticity: The maze helps study changes in neural connections and plasticity associated with learning. Observations of hippocampal activity during MWM tasks have revealed how neural circuits adapt during learning processes.


  • Impact of Pharmacological Agents: Researchers use the MWM to test the effects of drugs on cognitive function. This is particularly useful in studying potential treatments for memory-related disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Genetic Influences: By using genetically modified animals, researchers can investigate the role of specific genes in spatial learning and memory.

Diving Into the Maze: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Set Up the Maze: Start with a circular pool filled with cloudy water. Place a hidden platform just beneath the surface in one section of the pool.


2. Training Phase: Introduce the animals to the maze. Let them swim around freely until they find the hidden platform. Use visual cues around the maze to help them.


3. Testing Phase: After the animals become familiar with the maze, remove the platform or raise it above the water’s surface. Then, let the animals swim again and see if they remember where the platform used to be.


Analyze the Data: Watch how the animals swim and record how long it takes them to find the platform. This helps scientists understand how well they’ve learned and remembered the maze layout.

Figure: The learning curve in the Morris Water Maze. The time to find the platform (escape latency) decreases with training as swimming paths become less random and more directed.

One of the most common issues in Morris Water Maze experiments is using an improper tank-to-platform size combination. Many tanks are either too small or just at the lower limit of what is considered optimal for assessing spatial learning. Smaller tanks allow the animals to use alternative strategies, such as swimming a fixed distance from the wall, to locate the platform. This minimizes the reliance on distal cues, which are crucial for accurately assessing spatial learning.[2]

If the tank is too small, animals might still learn to find the platform, but they could be using these non-distal cues without the experimenter realizing it, giving the false impression that the spatial learning task is being performed correctly. Therefore, selecting the proper tank size from the outset is essential for obtaining valid and reliable results in spatial learning assessments.


The Morris Water Maze offers a straightforward yet effective way to study how animals learn and remember spatial information. By providing a simple setup and clear observations, researchers can gain valuable insights into the workings of the brain. As we continue to explore this maze and its implications, we move closer to unlocking the secrets of cognition and memory.

One of the key contributions of the MWM is in the field of neural plasticity. The maze has allowed scientists to observe how neural connections change and adapt during learning processes. By monitoring neural activity during MWM tasks, researchers have gained insights into the dynamic nature of synaptic plasticity and how it supports memory consolidation. This has profound implications for understanding not just normal cognitive function but also the neural basis of learning disabilities and memory disorders.


  1. Morris, R. G. (1984). Developments of a water-maze procedure for studying spatial learning in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 11(1), 47-60.
  2. Vorhees, C. V., & Williams, M. T. (2006). Morris water maze: procedures for assessing spatial and related forms of learning and memory. Nature Protocols, 1(2), 848-858.
Picture of  Vanja Antonijevic
Vanja Antonijevic

Vanja works as the Social Media and Academic Program Manager at Conduct Science. With a Bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology and Physiology and a Master's degree in Human Molecular Biology, Vanja is dedicated to sharing scientific knowledge on social media platforms. Additionally, Vanja provides direct support to the editorial board at Conduct Science Academic Publishing House.