SKU N/A Category

Mechanical Conflict Test

See more by: MazeEngineers


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Sku: N/A Category
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Meet the producer

Producer: MazeEngineers

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Mouse 3 Lane

Rod Diameter: 3cm

Touch Screen: 7cm

Rat 3 Lane

Rod Diameter: 9cm

Touch Screen: 7cm

Mouse 6 Lane

Rod Diameter: 3cm

Touch Screen: 7cm

Rat 6 Lane

Rod Diameter: 9cm

Touch Screen: 7cm

Take advantage of Neuralynx, Ethovision Integration, SMS and Email integration with the Conductor Science Software. No I/O Boxes Required

  • Angular Acceleration: 0.1-50 RPM
  • Angular Speed: 0.1-99.9 RPM
  • Change in Increments of 0.1 RPM
  • Run Time: 1-900 minutes
  • Speed: Constant or Accelerating
  • Acceleration time range: 1-4999 seconds
  • Browse and Easily Print any result set. Export via Excel
  • Autocalculation of mean, std dev of rod duration, fall speed, distance.
  • Data Inputs:
    o lane independent tracking, auto start/stop
  • Precision Weight Detection
  • Soft Fall insert
  • Adjustable Height Insert
  • 7 inch Width Touch screen
  • Live Display: Duration, Distance, SpeedData Inputs:
  • Safe Save: Store 60 run results in internal memory without charge.

Additional information

Device Type

Mouse 3 Lane, Mouse 6 Lane, Rat 3 Lane, Rat 6 Lane

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