Dr. Alex Martins
Innovative thinker with novel ideas
Has innovative tools for science
By partnering with ConductScience, academic-private partnerships allow for Dr. Martin’s ideas to flourish. His devices, designs, and tools are used by his colleagues when they are readily available through ConductScience. And he gets a royalty.
We transfer small non-molecule based inventions that do not require patent protection for go to market, decreasing cost and increasing accessibility and profitability.
Standardization of contracts ensures that everyone gets their fair share quickly and transparently. This means time saving and use of all scientific invention inventory.
Scientific Visibility
Technology transfer of your methods means that you get more citations for your publications. Leave a lasting, sustainable legacy of science.
Our Process
See our way. Designed to be fast and creator-scientists aligned.
Marketing and Sales
Our sales team, partners, and distributors will be educated on the product. This process typically takes 4-8 weeks.
Product Manufacturing
Every iteration gets better, and every sale leads to improvements, funded by your collaborators.
Scaling and Refinement
We bridge your product to scale, and we’re here for you at every step of the way.
Your Product is Listed
Our scientific and marketing teams will work to list your product & make it look beautiful.
No Contractual negotiations.
Only Terms & Conditions. Our standard revenue share contracts provide quick and equitable tech transfer, shortening the process from years to sometimes a day.
Who should Tech Transfer?
A PI and their staff can make available their protocols and methods for sale, leading to increased replication and citations as well as profitability.
University and private core services serve internal audiences, but then selling those inventions means you can increase citations, generate revenue, and become self sustaining.
Individuals who create solutions can sell their methods on ConductScience.com, leading to revenue and academic entrepreneurship at its finest.
Building your product can come in three separate pathways
This could be your research app, tech transferred, and monetized.
Ready to take the next step and work together?

Digital Partner
Some labs and core facilities know the manufacturing well and prefer to keep most of the profitability. Your share is significantly increased if you create the device and if Conduct Science lists, markets, and finds customers for you.
ConductScience.com has expertise in manufacturing hardware, digital health, virtual reality, coding, custom devices, and more.
We partner with a network of life science companies to transfer your technology to them. ConductScience acts as a broker.
Tech Transfer
Frequently Asked Questions

- Easy Access IP differs from the standard TTO (Technology Transfer Office) model of patenting and licensing for profit as many inventions as possible. Instead, a university still patents the invention, but it gives away the majority—often up to about 95%—of its IP licenses for free, thus bypassing the high costs and lengthy negotiations that often prevent academic discoveries from being commercialized.
- Conduct Science encourages minimal patent protection or sometimes no protection at all. Rather we prefer endorsements, trademarks, or any other low-cost option. the device is driven by sales and distribution in which we would then Profit Share the sales of those products/licenses with the originating institution.
A patent is a sword, not a shield. It gives you the right to attack a competitor who makes commercial use of (“infringes”) your patented technology. Contrary to common belief, it does not give you the right to practice your technology free of interference. In fact, patents are often quite narrow and hence can be easily circumvented: they might apply to a specific design element or combination of characteristics. Furthermore, they have effect only in the jurisdiction of the patent-granting authority.
In our experience, science is a worldwide customer base with an international competitive landscape. Thus, multiple patents would be required, significantly increasing costs. A patent in the United States would not give any advantage to selling to customers abroad. If you do not have a patent or are a TTO seeking to patent, this agreement will still work without one.
Ultimately, we believe that patenting simply removes the profit potential of many scientific innovations by limiting distribution and market demand. Capturing that profit that can be shared with the original inventor is our goal as we share in that profit as well.
Using rapid development cycles, lowering the cost of a device, and innovative marketing and sales techniques, Conduct Science delivers a product to market that is ultimately a competitively priced product that allows widespread distribution. This allows for rapid proliferation and use of the invention. All revenue is then shared with the originating inventor and institution.
This means your ideas turn into reality, quickly. Your ideas are your most valuable currency, and they should be spread far and wide. We can help.
In our experience, the best partnerships are “Endorsements.” Like athletes, your professors are the most valuable commodities. Scientific devices are unique in that the expertise of the original inventor has significant value. For example, the Barnes Maze was named after Carol Barnes.
What we ask for is the exclusive right to make this device with endorsement by the institution. Thus, revenue can be shared back to the original institution, and this allows our company to invest in marketing, sales, and production of the device.
Conduct Science encourages minimal patent protection or sometimes no protection at all. Rather we prefer endorsements, trademarks, or any other low-cost option. the device is driven by sales and distribution in which we would then Profit Share the sales of those products/licenses with the originating institution.
Step 1: Get in touch, and we will work to understand the device and its production implementation. We’ll work with our manufacturers and subsuppliers to make the device a reality.
Step 2: You publish your device, and note in the acknowledgments your distribution deal.
Step 3: Simultaneously, the device will go immediately to market on date of paper publication.
We highly discourage seeking patent protection for scientific apparatuses. In our experience, this does not improve the profitability of the device. In fact, it increases the cost and thus decreases utilization. These devices are not consumer-oriented devices, this raises the cost of the device for a limited user base. Costs cannot be diffused into the larger consumer market.
Conduct Science encourages minimal patent protection or sometimes no protection at all. Rather we prefer endorsements, trademarks, or any other low-cost option. the device is driven by sales and distribution in which we would then Profit Share the sales of those products/licenses with the originating institution.