
Syringe Holder-F1

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Stereotaxic accessory.

Specialized for brain science research: optogenetics and chronic brain drug administration experiments. Used for holding optical fiber ceramic ferrules.

Compatible with all brands of brain stereotaxic instruments available on the market

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Producer: Conduct Science

ConductScience is a company specializing in providing high-quality research equipment, lab supplies, and scientific services for the life sciences community.

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Function: For use with clamp glass or plastic syringes, can clamp syringe piston outer barrel diameter range: 6.5-13MM.

Uses: Used in conjunction with a locator, often used for intracerebral injection.




Specification Description


Syringe Holder-F1

Syringe piston outer barrel diameter range: 6.5-13MM

Performance parameters

  • The syringe holder comes with an international standard connector to fix on the X/Z axis cross-operating arm.
  • The upper and lower heights of the clamping rod are adjustable.
  • The V-shaped groove clamps to the syringe piston barrel and fixes it firmly. Once fixed, the side is locked, providing double protection to prevent loosening of the syringe holder.

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