
Automated Elevated Plus Maze

See more by: MazeEngineers


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The Elevated Plus maze is an apparatus widely validated for anxiety and fear experiments. Using the natural aversion to open spaces, time between the closed arm and open arm is measured as a method to investigate unconditioned fear. The Maze Engineers automated elevated plus maze uses quiet automated doors in conjunction with infrared detection in 17 different zones to create an elevated plus maze that minimizes human investigator fear confounders and maximizes your data collection.

Meet the producer

Producer: MazeEngineers

Unique mazes at the exact same cost as off the shelf ones. This way, it fits exactly what you need. No mazes too small for strains, lingering odors cues stuck in hard to clean areas, and other major design flaws that affect reproducibility. Also, unique mazes help you publish new protocol papers and standards if you have an idea. I think this key in furthering the techniques used in neurobehavior.…

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Automated Doors (4)

Automated Doors (4)

17 Zone Detection

17 Zone Detection

Can be Integrated with Video Tracking

Can be Integrated with Video Tracking

Suggested Sizes

Mouse Automated Plus Size (CM)

Rat Automated Elevated Plus Maze Size (CM)

Description & Features

Downwards Facing Doors

Downwards directing doors is ideal for teathered experiments, and ensures animal safety.

ConductMaze Software

Our ConductMaze software allows for OpenAPI access, allowing for quick and easy modifications and plugin creation to infinitely customize your maze. Each custom ordered maze comes with 1 free plugin creation.

“Silent Mode”

The maze functions with very little sound to minimize startle, anxiety, and maximum exploration within the maze.

Strength & Durability

Complete trust in how long the maze will last–made of high quality, but also light weight aluminum with thick acrylic parts ensures both ideal animal environments and maximum strength for long lasting mazes.

Optical Detection

24/7, 99.9% accurate optical detection with easy to configure actionable responses to movement.

Multiple Colors Available

Suggested color choices include Blue, Grey, Black, White & Clear, but we can make it any color of the rainbow!.

Secure lids

Lids can be configured to create safe, secure environments.

Copper Shielding

Copper shielding allows for maximized data collection in electrophysiology experiments . Please inquire about this option.


Integrated Lickometers

Integrated Lickometers allow for sucrose and reward preference tasks.

Integrated Treadmills

Integrated treadmills allow for exercise, metabolic, and fatigue tasks.

Integrated Feeders

Integrated feeders allow for pellet rewards and reward preference experiments.

Integrated Housing Environments

Integrated living environments allow for long term experimental tasks.

Additional information


Mouse, Rat

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